
From tides to cooking (Twitter 2008-05-20)

  • Preparing my #2 interview, tomw, at a well known software & service web company. While the chicken from from heaven roasting in the oven. #
  • @OurielOhayon It seems Flickery to be a great browser/manager for a Flickr account. Local pics management & synching to be managed otherway. #
  • @OurielOhayon Is flickery able to deal with local photo managers (iPhoto, iView, Aperture) for handling titles, tags, locations, desc.? #
  • @effisk Follow @marees_ferret : update 1/jour @ 24:00 avec la marée du lendemain au Ferret. Autre port ? cherche le pipe « tides in france » #
  • @jdseyres Bonne route et, gare au radar vers Belin #

e-games pour jour de pluie (Twitter 2008-03-30)

  • Postprod sur les images d’hier : masquer le coup de soleil ;-) #
  • Je fabrique les contours GPS de mes parcelles de forêt grâce à #
  • Intégration iView media pro – Flickr, via PictureSync : ça marche du tonerre. Enfin. #
  • [Flickr] La cabane des Jouët 680 – ronce primeur #
  • [Flickr] Cuty Tou en fuite devant Jefficau #
  • @stoweboyd Hi. Your Hash Tags experiment make your tweets un readable for the _only_ human that I’m. Sorry to have to say it. Regards. #
  • @stoweboyd #at #least #try #influence #the #twitterrific #developpers #;-) #I’d #support #it #better #
  • Trying to batch convert Lambert III geo coordinates into WGS 84, to feed my Garmin #